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Am I Ambidextrous? Assessing Language Competency

SKU#: 68

0.15 CEUs PS

Being told you sign like a Deaf person is arguably the most flattering compliment an interpreter can get. It means they were signing with a native-like fluency. Using two languages with native-like fluency or being linguistically ambidextrous so to speak is the highest standard for interpreters to strive for. But how can interpreters measure their own language competency?

This workshop will examine expert research on language competency and models of developing expertise and language proficiency. With these tools, interpreters will be able to perform measurable competency self-assessments, achieving more efficient interactions between hearing and Deaf consumers.

Learning Objectives

  • Define language competency.
  • Outline strategies for developing language expertise.
  • Perform language competency self-assessments to measure their own competency.

Presented by Brent Tracy, B.Ed, NIC, Ed:K-12
