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An Introduction to Demand Control Schema

SKU#: 75

0.6 CEUs PS

There has been a significant shift in ethical expectations in the field of interpreting from a deontological, or a rule-based approach to a more teleological, or goal and consequences-based approach. Given that, interpreters are no longer expected to rely on rules, which tell professionals what to think ethically but how to think ethically.

Unfortunately, most working professionals and educators have learned to make ethical decisions through trial and error and now make most of their ethical decisions intuitively. Intuitive knowledge, while often effective, is harder to access for their own analyses and for practical discussions with colleagues and consumers.

In this presentation, participants are provided with a basic review of the constructs of demand-control schema (DC-S) with much attention on the use of DC-S as dialogic work analysis. The dialogic work analysis provides practitioners, mentors and teachers with ethical constructs which can be used in the analysis of their own work and used as a framework in their discussions with their colleagues, mentees or students.

Learning Objectives:

At the conclusion of the training, participants will be able to:

  • Define a practice profession and the implications for that shift in the interpreting profession
  • Explain DC-S as theoretical construct and DC-S as dialogic work analysis
  • Explain the problems of rhetoric versus de facto practice

Presented by Robyn K. Dean, CI/CT, PhD and Robert Q. Pollard, PhD
