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How to GROW: Practical Strategies to Fight Unconscious Bias

SKU#: 99

0.25 CEUs PS- Presented by Brent Tracy

Did you know that every second our body on consciously processes only 0.0000004% of the 11,000,000 bits of information it receives? The billions of stimuli that bypass rational and logical thinking and influence our behaviors and how we navigate the world around us. Answers to questions such as: "Do I trust this person?" and "Is that person competent?" have already been formulated before I even meet a person. That is unconscious bias; a powerful invisible enemy to good intentions.


Even though no one is exempt from it's pitfalls, we can take steps to align our unconscious behaviors with our conscious intentions on a personal, social, and systemic level. In this interactive workshop, we will identify the scientific root cause of unconscious bias develop strategies to combat its negative effects.


As a result of attending this workshop, participants will be able to:

1) Categorize causes of unconscious biases.

2) Identify the impact of manifestations of unconscious bias.

3) Formulate strategies strengthen the alignment of behaviors with intentions.


Presented by: Brent Tracy


This webcast will be SIGNED


**This is a LIVE webcast