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Interpreting in Court: An Introduction

SKU#: 50
0.3 CEUs PS

This workshop gives interpreters an overview of the basic protocols, strategies and knowledge necessary to enter the courtroom. Lecture focuses on a few topics including, but not limited to, structure of the federal and state court, lawyer's perspective on working with interpreters, deaf-hearing team, and introducing the players in the court room. Interpreters will leave with a fundamental grasp of interpreter role and responsibilities in legal and court settings.

Learning Objectives:

  • Participants will be able to describe when an interpreter is needed in the courtroom.
  • Participants will be able to list at least three responsibilities of an interpreter in a court setting.
  • Participants will be able to list at least two laws an interpreter is expected to follow in the court setting.

Presented by Christopher Tester, CDI, SC:L
