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Sign It So They Can See It

SKU#: 84
0.3 CEUs PS

A picture is worth a thousand words, so the saying goes. Our challenge as interpreters is to take those “thousand words” and make them into a picture that our consumers can “see” and readily comprehend. Challenges may arise when our source language contains several meanings for the same word, homonyms, or various concepts that can be accurately interpreted using the same sign. If not handled properly, any of these can muddle our “picture”, rendering our interpretation confusing and unintelligible. In other circumstances, even a conceptually accurate ASL interpretation is still not sufficient for some consumers to gain full understanding. How can we enhance the message we render so that such ones can “get the picture”? This webcast will present techniques and strategies that will allow us to enliven our interpretations and find alternate strategies for facing the aforementioned challenges.

Learning Objectives:

  • Participants will be able to define at least three homophones/homonyms and give examples of each.
  • Participants will be able to list at least three different English words that have multiple meanings expressed with different ASL signs.
  • Participants will produce a minimum of two concepts or words that have several corresponding ASL signs.

Presented by Earl Harden, TX BEI Advanced
